Census 2021: Religion
Below you will find religion statistics from Census 2011 and 2021 for Wales and for local authority areas.
Religion at local authority and MSOA level
ONS has issued a useful interactive maps where you can check numbers and proportions of diverse groups by Local Authority areas and smaller areas called MSOA’s. The map is a useful tool and you can use it below.
Where can I find and analyse the Census 2021 data?
If you want to analyse the data yourself, use Census website or the ‘query data’ function on Nomis website.
How can I use this data?
If you are interested in finding out more about how this data can be used as part of your organisation’s equality monitoring or customer profiling:
- Check out our equality monitoring resource page
- Book our training on equality monitoring, customer profiling and/or equality impact assessments
Religion in Wales
In 2021, there was a sharp increase in the proportion of people who had no religion and a large drop in those who identified as Christian. Proportional to population, there were no big changes in other religions. Those that identified as Muslim saw the largest increase in their own population (by ca. 50%).

Where can I find and analyse the Census 2021 data?
If you want to analyse the data yourself, use Census website or the ‘query data’ function on Nomis website.
How can I use this data?
If you are interested in finding out more about how this data can be used as part of your organisation’s equality monitoring or customer profiling:
- Check out our equality monitoring resource page
- Book our training on equality monitoring and/or equality impact assessments
Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resources.