Anti Racism
This section of our website offers a toolbox of information to assist housing organisations in finding out more and adopting anti-racism in their organisation.
Hear from our Anti-Racism Manager, Evelyn James, below:
Many ethnic minority people in Wales face systemic housing disadvantage and inequality, preventing them from living somewhere in security, peace and dignity.
That is why Welsh Government developed the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan (ARWAP) with a section focussing on housing (Homes and Places). This underwent a refresh in 2024.
The plan’s vision is to make Wales an anti-racist nation by 2030 through making meaningful and measurable changes in the lives of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people.
Read Homes & Places section of ARWAP
Read Simplified Version of Homes & Places Section
Read the Local Authority summary of actions
Read the Homes and Places technical chapter (which includes goals, actions and reporting mechanisms
Previous interation of the Anti-Racist Wales Action plan:
Homes & Places section of ARWAP
Simplified Version of Homes & Places Section
Local Authority Housing Info Sheet (Tai Pawb)
Review your Deeds not Words action plan against ARWAP
How we can support you
- 121 support, advice and presentations from our Anti-racism Manager: (free to all)
- Quarterly Deeds not Words/ARWAP leaders meetings and Coffee Mornings (free to all)
- Other events (free for members only unless specified)
- Anti-racism Training (fees apply)
- Sing up to our mailing list to receive Anti-racism Newsletter
Share Your Own Resources
If you have resources you think our other members would find useful, please send them to us at
Accessing Member Resources
Some resources are for Tai Pawb members only and you will need a password to access them. If you are a Tai Pawb member and need details of the password or copies of documents in a Word version or alternative format please contact or call 029 2105 7957.
Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resources.