Policy, Strategy & Action Plan Reviews
Tai Pawb is expert in this field and can help ensure that your policies, strategies and action plans take into account equality considerations and follow best practice.
As an organisation you will have key policies and potentially schemes or strategies aimed at:
- ensuring your organisation complies with equality legislation
- promoting equality of opportunity
- being responsive to diverse needs in the work you do
Often organisations in housing are challenged on equality grounds not on the contents of their equal opportunity policy but by the failure of other policies such as allocations, repairs and maintenance, anti-social behaviour to adequately address equality considerations. As a result you need to ensure that policies and procedures relating to other areas adequately take into account equality considerations. As an organisation we have expertise in both housing in Wales and equality issues and are uniquely places to provide this advice.
For further information on how we can assist you with policy, procedure and strategy reviews please contact info@taipawb.org or call 029 2053 7630.