Homelessness and Equality
Below you will find useful resources and information on Homelessness and equality issues.
Accessing Members Resources
Some resources are for Tai Pawb members only and you will need a password to access them. If you are a Tai Pawb member and need details of the password or copies of documents in a Word version or alternative format please contact helpline@taipawb.org or call 029 2053 7630.
Tai Pawb Good Practice Briefings
- Equality and Homelessness Prevention (2015)
- Domestic Abuse Doesn’t Discriminate (2014)
- Tenancy Breakdowns – Equality Considerations (2013)
- Making information accessible (2012)
- Language communication needs (2010)
Presentations from Tai Pawb events:
- Illegal Money Lending Unit (2016)
- Symud Ymlaen Moving Forward – Llamau (2016)
- Hoarding and Clutter Workshop – Away with Clutter (2015)
- Mental Health and Housing – Antonia Forte (2015)
- Equality in homelessness prevention – The Wallich – (2018)
- End Youth Homelessness Cymru (2018)
- Tenancy Sustainability – Hafod (2018)
- Community Integrated Services – Gofal (2018)
- Preventing Homelessness Amongst Black and Ethnic Minority people – Bawso (2018)
- Promoting Equality in the PRS – Open Doors (2018)
Useful Information
- Call it a Day – LGBT+ Project (Shelter Cymru)
- Trans*Form – Transgender Young People in Wales (Trans*Form Cymru)
- Supporting LGBTQ+ people in homelessness services (Homeless Link – A practical guide on supporting young LGBT people in homelessness services )
- Transgender Policy & Procedural Guidance (Welsh Women’s Aid – This is a comprehensive guide to how Women’s Aid organisations can make sure they are trans* inclusive)
- The housing needs of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people in Wales
- Homelessness Factsheet (Age UK, 2016)
- Homelessness, Ageing and Dying (Simon Community, 2013)
- Study of the Experiences of Young Homeless People (SEYHoPe), Key findings & implications (Llamau, 2015)
- National pathway for homelessness services to children, young people and adults in the secure estate (Welsh Government, 2015)
- Estimating the scale of youth homelessness in the UK (Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research, 2015)
- LGBT Youth Homelessness: A UK National scoping of cause, prevalence, response and outcome (Albert Kennedy Trust)
- Research briefing: Young, hidden and homeless (Crisis, 2012)
- It’s not on the radar’ The hidden diversity of children and young people at risk of sexual exploitation in England (Barnardo’s, 2016)
- Improving the system of services for vulnerable young people: research into an approach to the housing, social care and support needs of young homeless people and young people leaving care in Torfaen (Campbell. and Mackie, 2011)
- From care to where? How young people cope financially after care (Consumer Focus Wales, 2011)
- Hidden Housing Crisis (Leonard Cheshire, 2014)
- Piecing together a Solution: Homelessness amongst people with autism in Wales (Shelter Cymru, 2015)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder A Guide for Homelessness Practitioners and Housing Advice Workers (Welsh Government, 2011)
- The Community Crisis House model An evaluation of Wales’ first crisis house (Gofal Cymru)
- Prevention through early intervention – Helping people with mental health problems to find and keep a home (Welsh Government)
- Mental Health and Debt 2016 (MoneySavingExpert.com, 2016)
- Care and Treatment Planning – A step-by-step guide for secondary mental health users (Hafal)
- Autism – A Guide for Practitioners within Housing and Homelessness Services (WLGA, 2019)
- Research into how ‘NRPF’ status affects those experiencing gender based violence in Wales (Local Government Data Unit Wales, 2015)
- Domestic Abuse of Disabled Women in Wales Research (Disability Wales, 2011)
- Domestic Abuse and Equality – Gypsy and Traveller Women (South East Wales Women’s Aid Consortium, 2010
- Barriers Faced by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in Accessing Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment, and Sexual Violence Services (Welsh Government, 2014)
- Safe houses offer sanctuary to LGBT youngsters in Manchester and London (Cahalane, The Guardian online, 4/9/2013)
- Homelessness amongst people from Black and Minority Ethnic populations in Wales (Shelter Cymru and Tai Pawb, 2014)
- The advice gap, A study of barriers to housing advice for people from black and minority ethnic communities (Shelter, 2007)
- Housing Rights Website – BME National and CIH website that aims to provide accurate information to recent arrivals and to advisers about entitlements to housing, based on people’s immigration status.
- NRPF network – Practice guidance
- Research into how ‘NRPF’ status affects those experiencing gender based violence in Wales (Local Government Data Unit Wales, 2015)
Organisations that can provide further information:
- Shelter Cymru
- Gofal
- Llamau
- Unique Transgender Network
- Welsh Women’s Aid
- Dyn Project
- Housing Rights Website – BME National and CIH website that aims to provide accurate information to recent arrivals and to advisers about entitlements to housing, based on people’s immigration status.
Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resource.