Accessible Housing
Below you will find useful resources and information on accessible housing and equality considerations.
Accessing Member Resources
Some resources are for Tai Pawb members only and you will need a password to access them. If you are a Tai Pawb member and need details of the password or copies of documents in a Word version or alternative format please contact or call 029 2053 7630.
Accessible Housing Register Network
This is a network for professionals who are either working, or have an interest in, accessible housing provision. You do not have to be a member of Tai Pawb to attend this network. It is free to attend this network. The network is based on free exchange of information and ideas to enable organisations to better respond to challenges they face when working with accessible housing need in the sector.
See our events section for details of upcoming meetings and to book a place.
For further information about the network please contact our Policy and External Affairs Officer: or call 02920537634.
Tai Pawb Good Practice Briefings
Tai Pawb Resources
Presentations from Tai Pawb events:
- Accessible Housing the role of the occupational therapist – College of Occupational Therapists (2013)
- Accessible Social Housing in Wales – a review of systems for assessment, recording and matching – Shelter Cymru and Disability Wales (2013)
- A standalone accessible housing register – Adapt Swansea (2013)
- Accessible Housing and Welfare Reform – Wales and West Housing Association (2013)
Useful Information
- Technical Advice Note 12: Design (Welsh Government, 2016)
- Technical Advice Note 12: Guidance on design and access statements (Welsh Government, 2016)
- Code of guidance to local authorities on the allocation of accommodation and homelessness (Welsh Government, 2016)
- Framework for Action on Independent Living (Welsh Government, 2013)
- Prevention through early intervention – Helping people with mental health problems to find and keep a home (Welsh Government)
- Good practice in the design of homes and living spaces for people with dementia and sight loss (University of Sterling)
- Supporting people with sensory loss Best-practice guide for housing providers (RNIB Cymru and Action on Hearing Loss)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder A Guide to Housing Management for Practitioners and People in Rented Housing (Welsh Government, 2011, )
- Improving the design of housing to assist people with dementia (DSDC, JIT, CIH, University of Sterling, 2013)
- Is your housing dementia friendly – EHE Environmental Assessment Tool (The King’s Fund, 2014)
- Accessible social housing in Wales: a review of systems for assessment, recording and matching (Welsh Government, 2013)
- A Review of Independent Living Adaptations (Welsh Government, 2015)
- Domestic Abuse of Disabled Women in Wales Research (Disability Wales, 2011)
- Hidden Housing Crisis (Leonard Cheshire, 2014)
- Looking for an accessible home. Accessible Housing Registers in Wales (Disability Wales, 2009)
- The Lifetime Homes Standard (from 5 July 2010) (Life Time Homes)
- Lifetime Homes and Part M (Life Time Homes)
Organisations that can provide further information:
Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resources.