Equality, Housing Supply and Housing Market Assessments
Below you will find useful resources and information on equality, housing supply and housing market assessments.
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Tai Pawb Good Practice Briefings
- Housing Supply and Equality (2015)
- Dementia Service Provision and Housing Design (2014)
- Cultural Design in Mainstream Housing (2006)
- Providing Culturally Sensitive services – Design and Layout (2005)
Presentations from Tai Pawb events
Useful Information
- Local housing market assessment guide (Welsh Government)
- Getting Started With Your Local Housing Market Assessment, A Step by Step Guide (WLGA, Welsh Government, 2014)
- Mental Health and Housing: A project to identify which types of supported accommodation successfully meet the needs of people with mental health problems in order to recommend effective housing solutions (Mental Health Foundation and MHPF, 2016)
- The Community Crisis House model An evaluation of Wales’ first crisis house (Gofal Cymru)
- Prevention through early intervention – Helping people with mental health problems to find and keep a home (Welsh Government)
- In one place report (Continuing Health Care Task and Finish Group)
- Housing for people with a learning disability (Mencap, 2012)
- Hidden Housing Crisis (Leonard Cheshire, 2014)
- Piecing together a Solution: Homelessness amongst people with autism in Wales (Shelter Cymru, 2015)
- Accessible social housing in Wales: a review of systems for assessment, recording and matching (Welsh Government, 2013)
- Hidden Housing Crisis (Leonard Cheshire, 2014)
- Housing for Older People in Wales: An Evidence Review (Public Policy Institute for Wales, 2015)
- Assessing current and future housing and support options for older LGB people (Carr and Ross, JRF, 2013)
- Developing an evidence base for housing related services for older people (Oldham Housing, Aksa Homes, PDW, 2013)
- Meeting the sheltered and extra care housing needs of black and minority ethnic older people (A Race Equality Foundation, 2008) –
- A guide for service providers on service provision for black and minority ethnic (BME) older people (Equality Scotland, 2011) –
- Access to statutory services from the perspective of both Minority Ethnic Elders and External Organisations (NEWREN, 2015)
- Minority Groups in Extra Care Housing (Housing LIN, 2010)
- Developing Extra Care Housing for Black and Minority Ethnic Elders: an overview of the issues, examples and challenges (Housing LIN Report, 2006)
- Housing for Older People from the Chinese Community in Middlesbrough (Housing LIN Report, 2005)
- A Sense of Place: Retirement Decisions among Older Black and Minority Ethnic People (Runnymede, 2012)
- Beyond Sheltered Accommodation A Review of Extra Care Housing and Care Home Provision for BME Elders (Age Concern, 2006)
- Personalisation for people from black and minority ethnic groups (Better Health Briefing)
- The health and social care experiences of black and minority ethnic older people (Better Health Briefing, 2008 )
- Building a sense of community: Including older LGBT in the way we develop and deliver housing with care (Wathern, Housing Lin, 2013)
- Equality and diversity and older people with high support needs (Blood and Bamford, LLC and JRF, 2010)
- Housing LIN Resources on Older People – Minority Groups (Housing Lin)
- Supported housing for older people in the UK: An evidence review (Blood, 2012, JRF)
- Growing Older Together the development of co-operative and mutual housing for older people. Findings from a Round-Table Discussion (Cds Co-operatives. Co-operatives UK, Housing LIN, UK Cohousing network, 2013)
- Assessing current and future housing and support options for older LGB people (Carr and Ross, JRF, 2013)
- Improving the design of housing to assist people with dementia (DSDC, JIT, CIH, University of Sterling, 2013)
- Is your housing dementia friendly – EHE Environmental Assessment Tool (The King’s Fund, 2014)
- Good practice in the design of homes and living spaces for people with dementia and sight loss (University of Sterling)
- Feasibility study of the prospect of developing a viable housing model for those entitled only to access the shared accommodation rate (CHC and WLGA, 2016)
- Housing Options and Solutions for Young People in 2020 (JRF, 2012)
- Housing pathways of disabled young people: evidence for policy and practice (Mackie, 2012)
- Generation Rent, Five years of Generation Rent: Perceptions of the first-time buyer housing market 2015 (Halifax, 2015)
- Estimating the scale of youth homelessness in the UK (Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research, 2015)
- National pathway for homelessness services to children, young people and adults in the secure estate (Welsh Government)
- LGBT Youth Homelessness: A UK National scoping of cause, prevalence, response and outcome (Albert Kennedy Trust)
- Research briefing: Young, hidden and homeless (Crisis, 2012)
- Improving the system of services for vulnerable young people: research into an approach to the housing, social care and support needs of young homeless people and young people leaving care in Torfaen (Campbell. and Mackie, 2011)
- Undertaking Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessments (Welsh Government, 2015)
- Welsh Government information and guidance on Assessing accommodation needs of gypsies and travellers
- Designing Gypsy and Traveller Sites (Welsh Government, 2015)
- Managing Gypsy and Traveller Sites in Wales (Welsh Government, 2015)
- Travelling to Better Health, Policy Implementation Guidance for Healthcare Practitioners on working effectively with Gypsies and Travellers (Welsh Government, 2015)
- Welsh Government information on Gypsy and Traveller caravan count
- Good practice guide: Working with housed Gypsies and Travellers (Shelter, 2008)
- Housing and migration, A UK guide to issues and solutions (CIH, 2012)
- UK migrants and the private rented sector (JRF, 2012)
- Housing Rights Website – BME National and CIH website that aims to provide accurate information to recent arrivals and to advisers about entitlements to housing, based on people’s immigration status.
- NRPF network – Practice guidance
- Research into how ‘NRPF’ status affects those experiencing gender based violence in Wales (Local Government Data Unit Wales, 2015)
- Homelessness amongst people from Black and Minority Ethnic populations in Wales (Shelter Cymru and Tai Pawb, 2014)
- Safe houses offer sanctuary to LGBT youngsters in Manchester and London (Cahalane, The Guardian online, 4/9/2013)
- The Housing Guide – For Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People (The Albert Kennedy Trust, Stonewall Housing, Stonewall)
- LGBT Youth Homelessness: A UK National scoping of cause, prevalence, response and outcome (Albert Kennedy Trust)
Organisations that can provide further information:
- Welsh Government – Housing Supply
- Welsh Government – Housing Strategy
- Community Housing Cymru
- CIH Cymru
- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
- Planning Aid Wales
Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resources.