Tenancy Sustainability and Equality Considerations
Below you will find useful resources and information on tenancy breakdown and equality considerations.
Accessing Member Resources
Some resources are for Tai Pawb members only and you will need a password to access them. If you are a Tai Pawb member and need details of the password or copies of documents in a Word version or alternative format please contact helpline@taipawb.org or call 029 2053 7630.
Tai Pawb Good Practice Briefings:
- Mental Health Wellbeing and Housing (November 2014)
- Tenancy Breakdowns – Equality Considerations (November 2013)
- Customer Profiling and Insight – ensuring Equal Outcomes (2012)
- Making information accessible (July 2012)
- Disability Equality and Housing (January 2010)
- Language communication needs (May 2010)
- Race Equality, Mental Health and Housing (February 2009)
- Tailoring Services to Meet Individual Need (April 2008)
Tai Pawb Resources
- Evidencing Equal Outcomes in Housing Repairs and Maintenance, A self- assessment toolkit for social landlords in Wales – Welsh
- Evidencing Equal Outcomes in Customer Care, A self-assessment toolkit for social landlords in Wales – Welsh
- Evidencing Equal Outcomes in Social Lettings, A self- assessment toolkit for social landlords in Wales
Presentations from Tai Pawb events
Useful Information
- Human rights at home – Guidance for social housing providers (EHRC, 2011)
- Pre-Action Protocol for Possession Claims by Social Landlords (Ministry of Justice)
- Hoarding: Key considerations and examples of best practice (National Housing Federation)
- Hoarding Center: Clutter Image Rating (International OCD Foundation)
- London Borough of Merton Multiagency Hoarding Protocol
- Multi-Agency Hoarding Framework Guidance for Practitioners in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire
- The Impact of the Welfare Reform on People living with HIV in England – Summary Report (Centre Point Policy Analysis, 2014)
- From care to where? How young people cope financially after care (Consumer Focus Wales, 2011)
- Mental Health and Debt 2016 (MoneySavingExpert.com, 2016)
- The real change challenge. Mate Crime: A challenge for the Police, Safeguarding and Criminal Justice Agencies (Association for Real Change, 2013)
- Hidden in plain sight Inquiry into disability-related harassment (EHRC)
- Friend or Fake? An Easy Read Guidance Booklet about Hate Crime and Mate Crime (Safety Net)
- The Community Crisis House model An evaluation of Wales’ first crisis house (Gofal Cymru)
- Prevention through early intervention – Helping people with mental health problems to find and keep a home (Welsh Government)
- Mental Health and Debt 2016 (MoneySavingExpert.com, 2016)
- Care and Treatment Planning – A step-by-step guide for secondary mental health users (Hafal)
- Citizens Advice – Discrimination in housing – duty to make reasonable adjustments
- EHRC websites guidance on ‘How do we define reasonable’
- EHRC websites guidance on ‘Who pays for an adjustments’
- Supporting people with sensory loss Best-practice guide for housing providers (RNIB Cymru and Action on Hearing Loss)
- Make it Clear (Mencap)
- Homelessness amongst people from Black and Minority Ethnic populations in Wales (Shelter Cymru and Tai Pawb, 2014)
- The advice gap, A study of barriers to housing advice for people from black and minority ethnic communities (Shelter, 2007)
- Language support: Challenges and benefits for users and providers of health and social care services (Better Health Briefing, 2013)
- Changing your name and gender: the data protection implications (Information Commissioner’s Office Blog Post by Steve Wood, 2014)
- Providing Services for Transgender Customers, A guide (Government Equalities Office, Gendered Intelligence, 2015)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder A Guide for Homelessness Practitioners and Housing Advice Workers (Welsh Government, 2011)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder A Guide to Housing Management for Practitioners and People in Rented Housing (2011)(Welsh Government –
- Piecing together a Solution: Homelessness amongst people with autism in Wales (Shelter Cymru, 2015)
- Improving the system of services for vulnerable young people: research into an approach to the housing, social care and support needs of young homeless people and young people leaving care in Torfaen (Campbell. and Mackie, 2011)
- From care to where? How young people cope financially after care (Consumer Focus Wales, 2011)
Organisations that can provide further information:
If you are a tenant and your tenancy is at risk the following organisations can provide advice:
- Shelter Cymru: 0845 075 5005
- Citizens Advice Bureau: 08444 77 20 20
- Housing Debt Helpline: 0800 107 1340
- Your Local Authority
- Welsh Tenants: 01685 723922
Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resources.