Equality Impact Assessments
What is it?
An Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) is a process that enables you to proactively think about the impact of decisions, policies, practices and service areas on protected groups/ characteristics. It is informed by the gathering of evidence to help identify potential barriers and impacts on protected groups/ characteristics. It enables you to identify and remove potential barriers and negative impacts through developing actions in response. As a result it can help you prevent discrimination, comply with the public sector duties and when carried out effectively lead to service improvements.
In an ideal world, organisations wouldn’t need to do EQIAs because everyone in an organisation would consider the following when developing or reviewing policies, procedures, strategies, decisions and service areas:
Barriers and specific needs of people across the different protected characteristics
- Their own data and external data
- Feedback and additional engagement with service users, staff and people across protected characteristics
- Best practice and legislative requirements
However in reality this rarely happens in practice and it is unlikely to be systematic. EQIAs offer a formalised, evidence based approach that can ensure that these considerations are taken into account in practice.
Accessing Member Resources
Some resources are for Tai Pawb members only and you will need a password to access them. If you are a Tai Pawb member and need details of the password or copies of documents in a Word version or alternative format please contact helpline@taipawb.org or call 029 2053 7630.
Tai Pawb Resources
• What is an Equality Impact Assessment (2016)
• Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit (2016)
• Equality Impact Assessment Template Form (2016)
Tai Pawb Good Practice Briefings
• Embracing Equality Impact Assessments (2015)
• Equality Impact Assessments, Consultations and Meaningful Engagement (2014)
Useful Information:
• Equality Impact Assessments – Myth Busters (EHRC)
• The public sector equality duties and financial decisions (EHRC)
• Assessing impact: A guide for listed public authorities in Wales (EHRC)
• How to undertake equality analysis (CIH, 2013)
Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resources.
For further information or to discuss potential consultancy or training support please contact helpline@taipawb.org or call 029 2053 7630.