Equality, Diversity & Inclusion for Board Members, Leaders and Governance staff

This highly interactive and reflective course will explore the critical role of Boards in driving diversity, equity and inclusion in their organisations, and prepare them for setting a clear organisational approach to EDI.

The session will equip Board Members, leaders, and governance professionals with greater understanding of how to apply EDI through strategy, performance, and assurance. It will lay the foundations for developing proactive and equity conscious organisations.


Objectives – The Learners will be able to:

🏠  Understand the concepts of equality, diversity, and inclusion and the role of the Board in leading, enabling and scrutinising their organisation on EDI

🏠  Understand regulatory requirements and CHC Code of Governance in the context of EDI

🏠  Understand their role in leading on a proactive approach to modelling and embedding EDI in the organisation

🏠  Identify aspects of a EDI culture and the role of governance in driving and fostering it

🏠  Consider the current approach of the organisation to EDI and what steps need to be taken to move forward


black and white photo of helen smiling. she has short hair.This course is currently delivered by our Associate, Helen Armstrong, executive coach, trainer, psychotherapist and with over 20 years experience of leadership roles in the Welsh housing sector



Target audience

This course is aimed at social housing board members, senior leaders and staff involved in governance.


Half or full day, or bespoke depending on requirements.




How to book

If you would like to book our this training or want further information please contact info@taipawb.org or call 029 2105 7957

Feedback from attendees and organisations:

“Good to have group discussions to talk through issues”