Upcoming events

Tai Pawb runs a series of events throughout the year which focus on a wide range of equality-based topics in housing. 

From April 2024 the following core events and networks are free to access for all staff working for a member organisation and individuals and community groups. This year we have:

  • All things equal events: Spotlight briefings and policy events – 6 per annum
  • Deeds not Words / Anti-Racism Leaders meets – 3 per annum
  • Deeds not Words Coffee Morning – 3 per annum
  • EDI Connect Network – 4 per annum
  • Let’s Talk About… [specific topic] – 3 per annum
  • Menopause and Women’s Health events – 2 per annum
  • Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) Workshop – 1 per annum
  • Stronger Together Network
  • Plus more…..



All Things Equal

These sessions will focus on a particular topic, usually requested or raised by a members, or something that is politically topical.

Our spotlight briefings will be 60 minutes and will involve a topical speaker.

The policy events will be longer 90 minute events that will involve delving into policies and how we put this into practice in our organisations.

If you have a topic you would like to see covered and discussed in our All Things Equal sessions, please get in touch: Ross@taipawb.org


Deeds not Words / Anti-racism Leaders Meets

These sessions are open to all housing organisations including those that did not sign up to Deeds not Words. Housing leaders will meet at these sessions to learn, exchange good practice and consider progress in implementing Deeds not Words pledges and the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan (ArWAP) across housing.


Deeds not Words Coffee Mornings

Safe space for Black, Asian and ethnic minority people in the sector to come together and chat.  We will do a round to see how everyone is and then chat about the following:

  • What challenges we might be facing?
  • Any positives to share
  • Has DNW had any effect and if not – why?
  • What can be improved?
  • And what can the panel do to support networking.

It’s a great opportunity for us all to get together and speak openly and freely on how we all can support each other.

EDI Connect Network 

Our newest Network exclusively for members.   Born from member feedback, EDI Connect is for a safe space for members to network with other likeminded people within the housing sector to share good practice, and get support on any equality matter they or their organisation are working on.  The network is open to all members and we encourage representation from all.       If you are interested in joining the network please email vicki@taipawb.org

Lets Talk About

A deep dive into specific subject areas delivered by someone with lived experience, these short, 60 minute sessions with Q&Aare information packed talks, that will arm participants with a deeper understanding of topics that are important to advance the equality agenda,

If you have any suggestions for future topics let us know at info@taipawb.org 


Menopause & Women’s Health Event

Twice a year, we come together to listen to key speakers and discuss the challenges for women, particularly in the workplace – and importantly, how best to overcome them. Free to members, past speakers have touched on human resource implications, period poverty and nutrition during menopause.  The network is run by Andrea Penny, andrea@taipawb.org

For more information: info@taipawb.org  


Equality Impact Assessment Workshop

We will be hosting one practical interactive workshop, which will take participants through the ‘how’ of the key stages of the Equality Impact Assessment process step by step.  It will impart the knowledge, skills and confidence required to complete EqIAs effectively in your organisations.  This session is great for people who have undertaken our Equality Impact Assessment training.

As part of your membership benefits, members can contact us throughout the year for help and support with Equality Impact Assessments and can email us at info@taipawb.org


Paid Events

Annual Conference

Conference is Tai Pawb’s key event of the year, bringing together a diverse range of organisations and individuals with a passion for equalities and social justice. You can find out more about our 2024 Conference here.


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