Another step on the pathway to securing the right to adequate housing in Wales

Statement on behalf of ‘Back the Bill’ partners following yesterday’s vote on the Plaid Cymru motion for a right to adequate housing in Wales
January 2025
Back the Bill partners welcome the historic vote in the Senedd yesterday where representatives from all parties spoke positively about making housing a legal right in Wales. We believe the cross-party support marks a step forward in our campaign to secure the right to a good home for all, especially as we look ahead to the Senedd elections in 2026.
Research has shown that the public in Wales support a legal right to housing, with 77% of people surveyed in 2020 in favour. Moreover, more than two-thirds of Chief Executives from housing associations across Wales agree and have actively signed the pledge to support a right to adequate housing – alongside academics, civil society organisations and leaders from charities including WCVA, The Bevan Foundation, Llamau, Crisis, Care & Repair Cymru and Amnesty International.
Independent research also shows that investment in realising that right will bring health, wellbeing and other benefits to the people of Wales, and savings for the public purse.
While the current Welsh Government White Paper consultation on ‘securing a path towards adequate housing’ falls short in ambition and detail to develop legislation, this consultation is an opportunity to build the evidence base and identify what legislation could look like. The Back the Bill campaign White Paper sets out additional questions which can help achieve this.
Politicians and the housing sector now agree with the public that we should make a fundamental step-change in how we see ‘home’ in Wales. Now is the time to commit to home as a human right that must be realised for all, so everyone in Wales can, over time, have a home that is safe, suits their needs and one that they can afford.
The path is clear – forward. Ymlaen.
Back the Bill partners are Tai Pawb, Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru and Shelter Cymru
More information on the Back the Bill campaign: