Tai Pawb stands resolutely with its Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority colleagues



Tai Pawb stands resolutely with our Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority colleagues across the sector – be they members, stakeholders or tenants. We are aware that there are Minority Ethnic individuals who are feeling anxious as a result of racist incidents that have taken place across the UK. 

Wales is a Nation of Sanctuary; a welcoming place that people from many different backgrounds proudly call ‘home’; a place where our diversity is a source of strength. Our resolve to continuing collaborative efforts to create a truly anti-racist Wales remains steadfast 


Here are a few ways in which your organisation can support colleagues and tenants, derived from conversations we have had with some of our members already:

  • Understand and recognise the anxiety and fear that these incidents will be having on Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority colleagues/tenants – where possible, well-being support should be offered
  • Consider your safeguarding procedures, and the general safety of Ethnic Minority colleagues in carrying out their every-day duties, whether that be hosting events, in-person meetings or out and about in local communities
  • Support colleagues and tenants who have been the subject of a hate crime – or in witnessing a hate crime – by reporting incidents to your local police force, or through Victim Support. You can also use our Hate Crime & Housing Toolkit to help your organisation tackle hate crime.

Those in leadership or managerial roles within organisations may also find useful this video (if logged into LinkedIn) from Elliott Rae and Aggie Yemurai Mutuma: How should leaders and managers respond to the UK’s race riots?


  • Tai Pawb, alongside dozens of organisations across the country, has signed the ‘Wales statement of solidarity and togetherness’, penned by the Welsh Centre for International Affairs. We invite and encourage our members to stand in solidarity by adding their organisations to the statement – you can do so by emailing Clare.
  • Members may wish to share Tai Pawb’s short statement above
As ever, we are here to support you to best help colleagues and tenants and welcome you getting in touch, should you have any queries or questions: info@taipawb.org

